In cases where a client has a chronic medical condition, there is strong indications that additional health care help is needed. We can help you with any issues regardless of where you are in your condition’s And will be with you throughout the length of your life.
People who suffer from chronic illnesses understand that their condition brings on difficulties and obstacles that may get in the way of a high quality life. Even people who are in perfect health have trouble managing their healthcare alone. Regular healthcare can be difficult for anyone when you have to find transportation to and from doctor’s appointments and must remember to take medications. Furthermore, mistakes, such as wrongly taking medications and missing scheduled medical appointments, can worsen chronic conditions, leading to more severe health problems.
As you manage one or more chronic conditions, care management shifts your focus to a holistic and home-based approach. You may benefit from care management if you struggle with your healthcare maintenance, or even if you recognize there is room for improvement. We can help you with everything from the most basic chronic conditions to the most complex – no matter where you are in your condition’s journey. We provide care for the following health conditions, as give access to information on how we treat them:
Cancer comes in more than 100 varieties. A cancer diagnosis is likely to occur in two out of five Canadians.
Millions of Canadians suffer from diabetes, a chronic disease. It's important to learn how to manage diabetes if you or someone you love has been diagnosed with it.
Dementia is a life-changing illness for both the individual suffering from it as well as their family and closest friends.
Canada has the second-highest death rate from heart disease. Chest pain or discomfort is the most common symptom of a heart attack.
More than 100,000 Canadians suffer from multiple sclerosis (MS), a severe, unpredictable disease that attacks the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).
Joints that are swollen and stiff due to arthritis are painful because they are inflamed. Arthritis and related conditions come in over 100 types.
Strokes are the third most dangerous cause of death and is the leading cause of adult disability.